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Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

What is Tennis and Golfer’s elbow and how are they treated? What is Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow? The forearm tendons insert on the inside (medial) and outside (lateral) portions of the elbow and these tendons play an important role in helping you grip objects. Overuse of the tendons can result in them

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Biceps Tendon Tear

What is a Biceps Tendon Tear and how is it treated? What is Biceps Tendon? The biceps tendon connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder. A biceps tendon injury generally occurs when a patient falls on an outstretched arm or from the lifting of a heavy object.  Bicep tendon tears

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Shoulder Labrum Tear

What is a Shoulder Labrum Tear and how is it treated? What is Shoulder Labrum? The shoulder is a ball and socket joint composed of the head of the humerus (arm bone) and glenoid cavity of the scapula (shoulder blade). The labrum is a soft tissue ring around the shoulder

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Shoulder & Elbow Tendonitis

What is tendonitis and how is it treated? What is Tendonitis? Tendons are the strong, cord-like structures that connect muscles to bones and provide strength and flexibility. Tendonitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation and swelling of tendons. Tendonitis is usually caused by overuse of the tendons and over

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Rotator Cuff Tear

What is a Rotator Cuff Tear and how is it treated? What is Rotator Cuff Tear? The rotator cuff consists of four muscles and tendons that attach to the top of the shoulder that help hold the shoulder in its socket as well as rotate and raises the arm. A rotator cuff

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Shoulder Arthritis

What is Shoulder Arthritis and how is it treated? What is Shoulder Arthritis? Osteoarthritis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the cartilage and soft tissues of the joints in the shoulder. Osteoarthritis that affects the shoulder can cause pain that makes it difficult for patients to use their

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HF10™ Therapy

HF10™ Therapy Learn How HF10 Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Pain. What is HF10™ Therapy? HF10™ therapy is an innovative method for relieving long-term chronic back and leg pain using the latest technology. An advanced spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system, HF10™ therapy involves a trial period of electrode stimulation to

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Spinal Stenosis

What is Spinal Stenosis and how is it treated? What is Spinal Stenosis? Spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal and is most often caused by the arthritic process in the spine.  As the arthritic process occurs, small bone growths (known as osteophytes) begin to compress the

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What is Sciatica and how is it treated? What is Sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the longest continuous nerve in the body and it runs from the lower back through the back of the legs.  The radiating pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs commonly referred to as “sciatica” is not an

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