I have been a patient of Dr. Jerome Zechmann for a number of years and with Dr. William Peterson since September 2018. In October of 2017, I had the first of two total knee replacements by Dr. Zechmann. I did well following the first surgery and went ahead with the second total knee replacement on the right knee in March 2018. Again I did well with physical therapy and home physical therapy. I had an unfortunate fall on September 8th, 2018 causing 4 fractures, breaking my right humerus at the top which required a reverse total shoulder repair. Dr Peterson did that surgery. I have tried to be a dedicated and determined patient, working hard in my rehab program. Through twice weekly visits to physical therapy and working hard at home I feel I have shown good progress. I am back to the gym working on strengthening legs and arms. I am very pleased with the care and treatment I have received and continue to receive from the Orthopedic Department and the encouragement and guidance from my Physical Therapy team through all three surgeries.
Throughout this time of surgeries and recovery, I have been grateful for the skill available with the medical teams and ancillary staff at Olympia Orthopaedic Associates. So glad they are here in Olympia!