2017 presented a slight hurdle for John Bourdon at Sandstone Distillery. A shoulder injury was holding him back from doing even the most simplest movements like driving or pouring a cocktail. He decided to see OOA and soon found that he was living with a 60% torn rotator cuff. “I scheduled for surgery and was happy to find the process very flexible. Once my surgery was completed, the doctors jokingly but seriously told me “don’t screw this up”. I think they knew that I might be inclined to get back to work at the distillery but assured me that if I didn’t take it easy, that I wouldn’t get back to full range of motion.” John also mentioned with excitement that this arm was now stronger than his other after healing. He started getting back to his routine after the 1 year probationary period for his surgery and then unfortunately his hip started “shooting pain”. He ended up needing a partial hip replacement. “Back to OOA I went”, John laughed. When Dr. Wood performed his surgery in the morning, a few hours later John was walking to his car. John mentioned that the outpatient process was way more simple than staying in the hospital. “The physical therapy was amazing and they knew how to push me to the right limit each time”. John wants to highlight that everyone involved start to finish was friendly and helpful. That’s why he recommends OOA for orthopaedic care.
You can now find John’s life back in motion, working hard at his Sandstone Distillery pouring bottles and making sure he is at just about every community event. Thanks for being an Olympia Orthopaedic Associates, “All-Star”!