Despite all my injuries the last several years; knee surgeries from Dr. Dennis Smith, complete triceps reattachment by Dr. Zechmann – now a biceps tear, Dr. Femiano and synthetic meniscus knee injections from Dr. Agtarap and Michelle McGinley, A.R.N.P.; in 2018 I played my first full competitive golf season at The Home Course in DuPont. We have 644 Men’s Club Members and I finished in 10th place out of the 644 players. Played all 9 tournaments, placed 1st in 3 tournaments. And won near a $1000 for the year. Coming back after a 2 year layoff to recover from injuries it was great to do so well, I didn’t expect it. Plus the good exercise walking 18 holes of golf. And thanks to all the doctors above who kept me moving forward. Not bad for a 61 year old man!
Thank you, Jim P.