Charitable Donations & Sponsorship Requests

Thank you for considering Olympia Orthopaedic Associates as a community partner for your event and/or organization. Due to the fact that we receive many requests annually, we have listed several guidelines to ensure your request receives proper consideration.

Olympia Orthopaedic Associates continually strives to become and remain a Center of Excellence for quality, comprehensive, full-service musculoskeletal care in Southwest Washington while providing excellent care and improving the quality of life for people in the community.

Guidelines for Consideration

  1. The organization should be non-profit
  2. The organization promotes the health and well-being of the community for a variety of age groups
  3. Organizations that help define the community in a positive way
  4. Provide partnership opportunities with OOA and organization
  5. Provide an educational component through the organization
  6. Organizations who align with OOA mission and strategic priorities

Olympia Orthopaedic Associates does not provide contributions to:

  • Individuals seeking assistance for trips, including school sponsored events
  • Research projects, assessments or special studies
  • Adult sport teams without a youth component
  • Individual private schools
  • Pageants

Review and Approval Process

  1. All organizations must complete the request form in order to be considered. Organizations may submit proposals in addition to the request form. If sending additional information, please make us aware of the submission form.
  2. A maximum of one request per the calendar year may be fulfilled per organization.
  3. Donations are NOT automatically renewed or assumed. Each submission is evaluated on a first-time basis and will not be approved based upon a prior year’s participation.
  4. Please submit your request 90 days prior to the sponsor/print deadline for the event. Include event date and all deadline information.
  5. For questions or concerns, please contact the Marketing Team at

We are appreciative to receive numerous requests every year. However, please be advised that we are unable to fulfill every request. Please remember that each year, we evaluate and consider all requests submitted, regardless if they were approved or denied the previous year.
Thank you, we appreciate your interest in OOA!

*If mailing proposals, documents, etc., please send to the following address:
Olympia Orthopaedic Associates
Attn: Marketing
P.O. Box 368
Olympia, WA 98507