3 Common Causes of Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy is a term used to describe the pain that originates in the neck and radiates into the shoulders, arms, and hands. In most cases, this pain is caused by irritation of a spinal nerve within the neck (cervical spine), which then causes pain to travel from the neck and into the upper extremities. […]

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: 3 Commonly Treated Conditions

Minimally invasive spine surgery relieves pain in a shorter period of time than traditional open incision surgery and recovery is shorter because a smaller incision is made and less surgical trauma occurs. At Olympia Orthopaedic Associates, our Board Certified and Fellowship Trained Spine Specialists are experts in minimally invasive spine procedures and have helped thousands of […]

Olympia Orthopaedics Welcomes New Sports Medicine Physician

Moving to the Pacific Northwest is a new adventure for Leila Borders, MD, who is joining the team at Olympia Orthopaedics. Hailing originally from Georgia, the doctor stayed true to her southern roots when pursuing her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Emory University and Mercer University, both in her home state. “I’m excited to make […]

Ankle Injuries: Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome

The tibia (shin bone) and talus (foot bone) form the ankle joint and cartilage covers the bones so the joint can move smoothly. Ligaments also connect the bones to provide mobility and stability. “Plantar flexion” is a movement the ankle makes to point the foot down when running, dancing or jumping. Forceful or repetitive plantar […]

4 Spinal Stenosis Treatment Options

Spinal stenosis is the term most often used to describe the narrowing of the spinal canal and is most often a part of the ageing process. As spinal stenosis progresses it can begin to compress the spinal nerve roots causing pain in the lower back as well as pain or numbness in the buttocks, hips […]

How is Facet Joint Arthritis Treated?

The facet joints are the joints at the back of the spine that help move the spine and allow the spine to safely bend and twist. The nerves that send signals to other parts of the body also exit through small holes in these joints. Healthy facet joints are lined with cartilage that allows the […]

What is a Shoulder Subluxation and How is it Treated?

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint. The humeral head (arm bone) is the ball and the scapula’s (shoulder blade) glenoid cavity is the socket. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, but it is also the most unstable. Because of this instability, a variety of injuries within the shoulder joint […]

Top 5 Injuries Seen At The Oly Ortho Rapid Orthopaedic Care Urgent Clinic

We have seen it all: ankles twisted on ski slopes, hands accidentally slammed in doors, knees worn out from years of accumulated wear and tear, and shoulders that no longer comply with their owner’s wishes. Our Physician Assistants at Olympia Orthopaedics Associates Rapid Orthopaedic Care (ROC)  are used to helping patients whose joint issues require immediate […]

Our Hand Therapy Experts

In honor of “ Hand Therapy Week”, Olympia Orthopaedic Associates would like to recognize our talented and dedicated Hand Therapists. Our specialty-trained hand therapy experts provide comprehensive hand therapy services. Combining specific exercises and activities to help patients restore joint and muscular function, strength, and range of motion for hand, wrist, and elbow injuries, our experts are dedicated to […]